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2585-A Old Rockbridge Rd. Norcross, GA 30071 (470) 359-2112
Advertising Car Wraps
We’ve all seen several vehicles taking advantage of vinyl vehicle wraps during the course of an average day. It’s hard to miss the brilliant, bold, and energetic colors wrapping buses, trucks, vans, and cars.  The wraps are zooming here and there with their bright eye-catching advertisements drawing our attention. If you’re considering an advertising vehicle wrap, it helps to know the modern age of technology has literally transformed the methods as well as the costs of utilizing your vehicle of choice for advertising purposes. This form of marketing and advertising is a phenomenal way to expand your business by simply becoming a moving billboard. We have our own personal experiences from our own customers to prove a vinyl vehicle wrap is a wise investment. For example, one of our customers received a call within 48 hours as a result of one of our wraps. That’s proof enough for us!

 Vinyl vehicle wraps do quite a bit for your business advertising.

These facts will convince you that vinyl vehicle wraps are the best for your business:
  • The Interstate Advertising Corporation estimates that 74% of drivers have a positive impact by what they see advertised on the vehicles around them.
  • The American Trucking Association suggests advertisements seen on vehicles in traffic produce over 600 observed influences for each mile traveled.
  • The quality of vinyl wraps has improved so much over the years; wraps often look like paint jobs.
  • Among various forms of advertising, car wrapping is among the most affordable methods of advertising for wide range advertising purposes.
  • According to a recent statistic, 95% of Americans have acknowledged receiving a positive impression from a mobile marketing campaign. 95% of Americans see advertising vehicle wraps on sidewalks and when exposed to traffic, moving or otherwise.
  • On average, 30% of people who are exposed to vehicles with wrap advertising admit that these advertisements lead them to making purchases based on what they’ve seen. Because vinyl vehicle wraps are typically considered separate from traditional pushy and “salesy” advertising, people (i.e. your customers) find them more appealing.
The average person needs to see something seven times before memory recall is reliable.  This means repeatedly seeing a moving billboard works.  On the average day, a vehicle wrap has the potential to make an average of 20,000 impressions–based on Atlanta’s population.  This is because you can literally advertise your business 24 hours a day, depending on where you travel or simply park your wrapped vehicle! Call Green Light Graphics and Signs at (404) 857-5790 to get a quote for your next vinyl vehicle wrap.

Custom Graphic Designs
When done right, vehicle body wraps can last a long, long time. In fact, it’s not unheard of for a wrap to last several years. And while they are one of the most cost-effective forms advertising available to a small business today, they still represent a sizable investment. So here are a few tips on how to protect it.

Expert Installation

While it’s important to select a reputable design house to create a stunning vehicle body wraps concept, you’ll want to make sure they also have solid installation expertise. This includes factors like seam assessment, pre-cleaning the vehicle’s exterior and selecting materials capable of withstanding the local elements. While the design, materials, and installation all play a major role in the longevity of your vehicle body wraps, another key factor is how you treat the vehicle once it leaves the store. Here are a few things to look out for.

1. Air Bubbles

This usually occurs right after installation, and can happen for a wide variety of reasons. While you might be tempted to “pop” the bubble, or smooth it out manually, DON’T. When you apply pressure or poke holes, you compromise the integrity of the wrap and, potentially, the graphic. It can lead to splits, wrinkles, and even peeling. Instead, opt to return to the sign place and ask for them to fix it.

2. Lifting and Peeling

The separation between the graphic and the vehicle is most likely to occur along seams, wheel wells and door jams. If not caught immediately, dust, dirt and other debris can get caught underneath the graphic, damaging both it and your vehicle.

3. Cleaning Your Wrap

Ideally, you’ll want to hand wash your graphic as much as possible. If your wrap is caked with mud, dirt, or other debris, be sure to rinse it off before you begin the wash. And it’s always best to use a delicate sponge or soft towel to avoid scraping the graphic or dulling its finish. Also, avoid pressure washing at all costs. It can pull the entire sections of the wrap off your vehicle in just a few seconds.

4. Vehicle Storage

Garage storage is always going to be your best bet when it comes to protecting your investment from the elements. Sun damage, dust storms, and hail are severe weather incidents that can shorten the life of your wrap. Plus, sun exposure will cause your horizontal surfaces to fade much faster than the verticals, leaving you with a compromised graphic and poor brand image.

Green Light Graphics & Signs Can Help You Get Long Lasting Vehicle Body Wraps

We’ll take all the hassle out of the equation! Just contact Green Light Graphics and Signs today by calling 404-857-5790 and receive a custom quote for your vehicle body wraps.

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