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2585-A Old Rockbridge Rd. Norcross, GA 30071 (470) 359-2112
Rear window and tailgate graphics help people to acquire that all-important name recognition for your business. Whether your prospects are stuck next to you on the freeway or see your car, van or truck drive around town, you will have a few moments to get your business name and brand stuck in their minds through an eye-catching, mind-catching design. Few other marketing options can work to reach prospects while you are on-the-go like rear window and tailgate graphics can. Let’s take a look at some of the top reasons you will want to consider this affordable yet powerful marketing tool for your business:

Take Advantage of Prime Real Estate

Believe it or not, but the rear end of your vehicle is prime advertising space for a number of reasons:
  1. Your tailgate is portable.
  2. It’s in a place that gets a lot of “traffic” (put intended).
  3. It’s a good size for a noticeable sign.
  4. Ever play the alphabet game on road trips? Your sign (and business) can be a part of the fun!

Boost Your Business Budget

When utilizing rear window and tailgate graphics, you have affordability in getting the right kind of bang for your buck. You aren’t having to shell out the kind of cash it would cost for the kind of sign… wait, there aren’t any signs like a rear window or tailgate, as there is nothing on the market yet as far as marketing goes for portable, attention grabbing signage that is the perfect size for the back of your vehicle.

Make a Big Eye-Catching Splash

With rear window and tailgate graphics, you aren’t limited by what you can personally create. If you can think it, a graphic design company can ink it. A few things to remember are making sure people can see your graphics from at least 100 feet. Here’s a good tip. Find a piece of paper or cardboard the same size as your rear window or tailgate. Then, draw out a sketch of what you want; next see how far you can be away from it to not only still see but to also comprehend what you are seeing.

Maximize Exposure Using Rear Window and Tailgate Graphics

The average person needs to see something right around seven times to remember it. You have no control over how often someone walks by your business or any other signs pertaining to your business, but you can make sure everyone sees your business via rear window or tailgate graphics every time you use your vehicle. Rear window and tailgate graphics positively impact your business and bring your business to another level, because they are advertising your business anytime you are out and about with your vehicle. The more you get your business name and message out there, the more people will sit up and take notice and remember you when they need the products and services you have to offer. Call Green Light Graphics and Signs at (404) 857-5790 to get a quote for your next rear window and tailgate graphics.

Business Window Graphics
If you have business storefront windows, the best way to make use of the space is by incorporating graphics into your storefront windows. Even in the modern world that focuses on online marketing and social media, there is still power in effective graphics and signage. The key is just to know how to make the most of the space you have available.

Why Do Graphics for Storefront Windows Work?

You can reach customer prospects who are out and about town, or make a strong impact on each and every customer who walks through your doors with some clean, creative graphics on your storefront windows. With your window graphics, you can spread the word about your business and strengthen your brand. You can also give people the information you want them to know before they even come in. Many businesses have to pay for big billboards and signage around town to get that kind of message out to their prospects. Not you, though! You are the lucky one who has storefront windows to maximize to your benefit.

Go Big with Window Graphics

One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to graphics for storefront windows is that you really want to go big. The entire point is to catch your prospects’ attention and provide information. If you opt for small, quiet storefront window graphics, you might be missing many opportunities to create interest about your business. This means you should consider using as much of your storefront windows as possible. When you do, you create a bold advertisement that will make sure people notice and receive your message.

What Are the Best Ideas for Graphics for Storefront Windows?

With the advent of new and improved graphics technology, it is now easier than ever to create a targeted and customized advertisement that catches the eye. You want to invest in quality vinyl window graphics that will withstand the impact of time and the sun. The sun can really fade the colors of your graphics, so it is important to invest in a quality vinyl that will last. Your top options for vinyl for your storefront window graphics include economy vinyl, premium vinyl, standard vinyl, and reflective vinyl. A graphics professional will be able to guide you in making the right selection to meet your signage needs and budget.

Are Storefront Window Graphics Worth the Investment?

Yes! At Green Light Graphics and Signs, we’ve seen the results first hand time and time again. Our clients continue to relish the return on investment they receive from their storefront windows graphics. We make high-quality graphics affordable. This way, you can change it up when you want and ensure you have the most powerful signage displayed at all times. Storefront window graphics can help you to spread the word about your business. They help your prospects know what you are all about. Want to share contact information? Want to share your tagline? Want to advertise your latest special? All of this is possible with well-designed, high-quality graphics on your storefront windows. Even people driving by will be able to spot your storefront easily. That that means your potential customer base increases with very little effort on your part. Now is the time to invest in quality storefront window graphics and reap the rewards! Call Green Light Graphics and Signs today. You can reach us at 404-857-5790 to get a quote for your next storefront windows graphics project.

When it comes to truck window decals, the business value may not be readily apparent. Sure, they’re one of the most common ways for small businesses to advertise… but do they really add value and drive traffic? The short answer is yes.

Four reasons truck window decals are a fantastic investment for any small business owner.

Reason #1: Affordability When we talk about affordability, we don’t mean cheap. Rather, a small business owner should examine the bottom line benefits (called the return) on the marketing dollars they’ve invested. The business term for this is known as the ROI or return on investment. Because truck window decals and stickers are relatively inexpensive, each customer you get is acquired at an increasingly lower cost. The result is the number of people who see your advertising is quite high, while the cost of creating it is quite low. It’s a high ROI for any small business, and the cost-per-customer continues to go down over time. Reason #2: Number of Public Impressions We touched on this in the previous paragraph, but window decals are a highly visible form of advertising. When you place a sticker on your truck window, and then drive your truck around the city, you have the opportunity to create thousands of impressions with potential customers. In fact, in many major cities, that number can rise to tens of thousands. When you think about other forms of advertising most small businesses can afford, there are few with the same breadth and reach created in such a short amount of time. Reason #3: It’s Not Permanent The third reason we’re discussing here may not be immediately intuitive. In fact, most people believe permanent signage is well worth the investment. And in some cases, they’re correct. However, there are some situations in which you may want to display signage on your truck in a nonpermanent fashion. Examples include displays of sales, limited time offers, and advertising for upcoming events. In fact, anything with an expiration date is an ideal candidate. Since we’ve already established truck window decals are an affordable option that garners a high number of impressions, doesn’t it make sense to advertise your next big event in the most efficient way possible? Window decals make it easy to do, and they are simple to swap out after your event has ended. Reason #4: It’s Flexible Different types of signage often have very specific form factors. However, truck window decals can take on any shape, size, color, or image. Given the technology inside today’s modern printers, it’s entirely possible to print large, bold graphics on a fully removable custom decal. The possibilities for creating decals with custom branding, or other imagery, are endless. And it makes it easy to design a graphic which clearly illustrates your business’s expertise at a glance.

In Need of Custom Truck Window Decals for Small Business?

We’re here to help. Contact Green Light Graphics and Signs by visiting us online or calling 404-857-5790 to get a quote for your new truck window decals.

If you live or work in the Atlanta area, chances are you’ve already seen one of Green Light Graphics’ rear window decals. These unique advertisements provide an opportunity to show off your business and spread your marketing message. Let’s face it, it’s nearly impossible for the drivers and passengers behind you to ignore a flashy ad and statement plastered on your rear window. These decals give you a simple way to get your business in front of a large audience. Before you take the plunge and put a rear window decal on your vehicle, we want to take the time to answer a few common questions we get from our customers:

Why Would I Want to Put Rear Window Decals on My Vehicle?

The primary two reasons our customers go for  rear window decals is: 1. To promote their marketing message, or 2. To spread the word about a special offer or upcoming event. If you get stuck in Atlanta traffic often enough, then you know drivers spend a lot of time staring at the back of other vehicles. Why not use Atlanta traffic jams to your benefit? Take that opportunity to promote your business and reach new prospects with the solutions you have to their problems—all with the help of rear window decals.

Will My Rear Window Decal Obstruct My View?

If you’ve ever driven behind a vehicle with a rear window decal, you might’ve noticed it was pretty hard to see through the decal. However–much like a tinted window–it’s not as hard to look out. Rear window decals are actually a thin sheet of mesh-like vinyl. The alternating pattern of holes and vinyl make it easy for drivers to look out while onlookers struggle to see in.

Are There Special Care Instructions for My Rear Window Decal?

Rear window decals are surprisingly low maintenance. In most instances, Green Light Graphics will prep your vehicle for you, so there’s no need to worry about that. The only special after-care instructions involve car washes. To allow the special adhesive on the rear window decal to set properly you’ll want to skip washing your vehicle for a week after installation. After that, you can wash your vehicle as much as you want, but make sure you’re spraying the water at least 10 inches back from the rear window decal to avoid damaging it.

What If I Change My Mind About My Rear Window Decal?

At Green Light Graphics, we understand that personalities and business logos change from time to time. What once was an amazing display of personal or business pride can become outdated. Luckily you don’t need a special procedure to remove your rear window decal. Your bare hands and perhaps the bare hands of your buddy are all you need to remove outdated rear window decals. Of course, once you remove the old decal, feel free to come back to Green Light Graphics to create your new, updated rear window decal. If you are ready to take the next step, call Green Light Graphics and Signs at 404-857-5790 to get a quote for your next rear window decal.

Business Window Graphics
Window lettering and custom window graphics are critical components in any marketing or advertising your small business might do. They create a unique look, and offer the ability to transform unused and empty spaces into prime marketing real estate. When paired with more traditional marketing methods, like banners or neon signage, you’ll find you are likely to improve the number of customer impressions, and your overall brand recognition. But the best part is how cost-effective window lettering is as part of your marketing strategy. With a cost well under traditional banners or other signage, it’s one of the best ways to make your storefront pop and give your customers the information they’re looking for.

Different Ways You Can Use Window Lettering for Your Business

The phrase “window lettering” can be slightly misleading. Yes, you can add specific letters and numbers to virtually any window space. But did you know you can also print whole sheets, custom graphics, and brand logos as well? Virtually anything can be applied to any window, including on storefronts, doors, and even your business vehicle. Consider how your business might benefit from any of the following ideas:
  • Brand logo and phone number on the rear of your delivery vehicle
  • Customer logo plastered across your front window glass
  • Seasonal store front display, adding visual interest for passers-by
  • Company name, hours, and address on your front door
  • Limited time sales offers and discount signage
  • Faux glass etching to create temporary privacy screens
  • Multi-panel visual images, displaying your craft
  • Full window imagery displaying samples of your best work
  • And more!
You can even use window lettering as a means to test a variety of marketing tactics, slogans, or offers. Just install it, track your traffic and sales for the time period while it’s up, then put up something new and start all over. With just a little bit of investment, you’ll be able to find out what works and what doesn’t. You’ll maximize your business and marketing budget, all while getting a great return on your investment. Application and removal are quick and easy; so, the sky is the limit on whatever you are looking to try!

How Do I Get Started with Window Signage for My Business?

We make it super easy for your business to design eye-catching, high-impact window signage. With our custom lettering tools, we can create anything you want including metallic, sheer, matte, and wood effects. Whether you have a specific image already in mind, or you’re looking for design help, we can work with you to create the custom window front of your dreams. We can also design, print, and perform the installation in just a few days. So what are you waiting for? Call Green Light Graphics and Signs at 404-857-5790 to get a quote for your next custom vinyl window lettering project.

Business Window Graphics
You’ve probably walked by personalized window graphics at one time or another and been struck by its impact, its size, its scale, and the complexity of the imagery. It all combines to make a store feel premium, high-end, and legitimate. Yes, when it comes to making a bold statement about your business, large-scale personalized window graphics are hard to beat.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The saying may be trite, but it’s true. According to psychological studies, we have trained our brains to pick apart and analyze the written word and its context. We evaluate the truth of the words we are reading through our filter of knowledge and experience. Heck, even the spoken word is subject to specificity. When was the last time you watched a pharmaceutical commercial? Remember all those disclaimers and side effects? Pictures, on the other hand, are seen as inherently true. Even in a day and age in which Photoshop is extensively used (and acknowledged), our brains “have to see it to believe it.” The power of an image is undeniable. Now imagine that same image spread across the giant canvas of your front window space. Mind. Blown.

A Few Types of Personalized Window Graphics to Consider

Seasonal. Draw on holiday and seasonal imagery to spark your prospective customers’ imaginations. Imagery invoking a specific feeling is especially powerful as personalized window graphics. Illustrative. Think about it this way: would people be more likely to make a purchase if your graphic sign simply read ‘Cake’ or would they be more compelled by an artful image of a beautifully decorated wedding cake? Or perhaps a buffet of unique cupcakes? You get what we’re saying. Also, we really like cake. Aspirational. This one is especially true if you focus on lifestyle products or services. Think young, fit yoga devotees, or alpine skiers carving a perfect track down a remote, pristine mountain. Even exotic locations, seemingly begging for you to mar the smooth sand with your footprints. All of these convey the penultimate goal of lifestyle brands and services. Artistic and/or graphic. This is probably the most difficult to achieve, but also the most striking. It’s the type of piece that stands out, and often speaks to more than just your audience. However, application of this type of graphic is highly industry specific. Would you install something like this on an HVAC company’s front window? Maybe not. Still unsure whether personalized window graphics are right for you? Don’t worry! We offer in-house design assistance, and none of our graphics are permanent. You can even test the efficacy of two different installations! Just measure your store traffic, sales, and customer response during the time you have each of them up. Easy! Call Green Light Graphics and Signs at 404-857-5790 to get a quote for your personalized window graphics.

Business Window Graphics
It may not seem like a marketing method that can snag attention in a powerful way, but you may be surprised by how custom window decals can bring people into your business. All you need to do is think of your window as a blank slate for your marketing message, and then take the right steps to utilize your windows to reach prospects and customers passing by. Still not sure if custom window decals will work for your business?

Check out this 5-step process for custom window decals that is sure to bring you the marketing results you need:

1. Make a strong first impression. Determine what you want to be the first thing people see when they look at your business. Store signs are great and do have a specific purpose, but the windows are more eye level and are what can really grab a potential customer’s attention. Look at your windows and ask yourself what your first impression needs to be to those looking in. What makes your business stand out from your competitors? What do you offer that is special or unique? Include this in your custom window decals for optimal results. 2. Conduct the necessary research. Doing a little investigating to see what works well in this area of advertising and marketing is always a smart move. Get ideas from businesses that seem to be doing custom window decals effectively. Notice what doesn’t seem to be working, or what turns you off. Take notes and consider all of your options. You may be surprised at what you can learn from a little custom window decals research. 3. Grab the attention of your prospects and keep it! Don’t be afraid to use more than one eye-catching ploy for your custom window decals. You can utilize colors, fonts, images, textures to help make your windows memorable. Now more than ever, people want to be wooed and entertained by your marketing and advertising efforts; customers practically demand it. Put in the effort necessary to make sure you aren’t just putting something on your windows to show you are still in business. Wow the crowd and make a statement! 4. Let your business personality shine. It’s possible with the right custom window decals to let your prospective customers in on what your business is really all about. Get personal. Get creative. Let the heart and soul of your business shine through with the right message and images. People like what is familiar to them; so, keep a consistent spirit, theme, and feel of your business through each and every window decal, sign or piece of marketing you create. 5. Get the right printing partner on your side. It is important to find a professional and reputable graphics printing business that will be able to provide you with what you need—including skill, knowledge and excellent customer service. Do your homework and look for well-reviewed businesses that specialize in custom window decals and the other types of graphics and signage you want for your business. The truth is, getting your hands on powerful custom window decals for your business isn’t that difficult. Keep the 5-step process in mind when you are ready to make the most of your business’s window space and marketing budget. Call Green Light Graphics and Signs at 404-857-5790 to get a quote for your next custom window decals.

Business Window Graphics
Contrary to popular belief, rear window graphics are not just for direct sales or for any specific business type. While they are an excellent way to market a direct sales business, they work just as well for HVAC companies, dentists, health food markets, or hairstylists…the list goes on and on! Rear window graphics are a win-win for business trying to get the word out about their products and services. They make you look cool, relevant and creative while helping others to know exactly what it is you do. Many people are also using rear window graphics for personal reasons—just because they look great. Practically speaking, rear window graphics are a piece of vinyl that is half vinyl and half holes. They can come in nearly any design you can imagine and fit most any vehicle. They can also be removed just as easily as they are applied. In fact, the only tools required is an extra set of hands! Curious about the hot (and cool!) benefits of rear window graphics? Okay, here’s the scoop:


Rear window graphics are nice because while you can see quite clearly out the back of your vehicle, it is tough for the onlooker to peek in on you.

Rear Window Graphics Add That “Cool Factor”

Because of their placement, rear window graphics have the ability to reduce the heat inside your vehicle, which not only keeps you cooler, but the blocked out sun also protects against upholstery fading.


Ever have one of “those days” where your mind is just always somewhere else? You walk out of a building and… forgot where you parked your car? Look for the tricked out rear window and bingo, you’ve found your proverbial Waldo. Additionally, let’s say if you were to be using the rear window graphic to help promote your business, how many people do you think just saw your graphic coolness while you were inside?


Nothing is so hot right now as to express yourself and show off a bit of yourself in every way you can. Or express something that is important to you, like a memorial or a piece of your roots. You can be fun and zany or serious and meaningful; or perhaps somewhere in the middle. Our cars can be like our home away from home and many people are acknowledging and appreciating that through rear window graphics. Some important things to remember once you have your rear window graphics is the after-care:
  • Avoid the car wash for at least a week to fully allow the adhesive materials to bond to your car.
  • Once you do wash your car, make sure the water is being sprayed at least 10 inches away from your graphic.
So, what are you waiting for? Put a cape on the back of your car and rock your wheels and your business. Call Green Light Graphics and Signs at 404-857-5790 to get a quote for your rear window graphics.

Business Window Graphics
How impactful can something as simple and small as window sign decals be for your business marketing? We have a saying that tells us life in is in the little things. Well, this applies to your business too. Every little thing, every little detail can add up to a big deal. Window sign decals may seem like a little thing to add sales oomph to your business’ profit margin, but when done right they can be an effective addition to your integrated marketing plan. Here’s how window sign decals benefit your business marketing:


Window sign decals do more than just stick to your window; they draw attention. Drawing attention draws notice-ability, which draws interest, which in turn, draws sales. Foot traffic and street traffic both notice what stands out; fun colorful and inviting windows are something we all notice.


What do you notice first about a person when meeting them or seeing them for the first time? Their face, right? It sounds cliché but it is true. Your windows are the eyes of your business and people do see them. Don’t let the eyes of your business be a wasted space. You really can maximize them for colorful inviting advertising with window sign decals.

Long Term Advertising

Unlike having something painted on your windows, window sign decals are applied and can be left for as long as you like, enhancing your advertising invitations to potential customers. You spend a little now to save a lot later, which puts the money where it needs to be, in your profit pocket.


Advertising by utilizing window sign decals gives you the freedom to express your business’ personality while you advertise. When you use window sign decals, you are marketing your specific brand and its personality; so, it is a little different than the general field of advertising. You can really bring out and make your logo, color scheme, and business personality shine out to the world like an advertising beacon.


Any big business can tell you, one of the primary keys to success is recognition, more specifically, brand recognition. The only way to get recognized is to get attention. People have to be exposed to something in an attention grabbing way several times before they remember it on demand. When you utilize your windows for attention, you increase your attention grabbing ability several times over. People will begin to recognize and remember your business because you have finally fully obtained their attention. The truth of the matter is, without window sign decals, your business has its eyes closed. Consider what could happen if you open the eyes and embraced a colorful and profitable world full of possibilities. Call 404.857.5790 to contact our friendly team at Greenlight Graphics and Signs to get a quote for your next window sign decals.

Business Window Graphics
When it comes to marketing your business, it helps to utilize every option you have, and business window graphics can be an effective way to make the most of the front of your business. Window graphics appeal to prospects in a direct face-to-face way. The kind of window graphics to use, whether it is etched glass vinyl or full color view, is totally up to you, depending on your business and what message or image you want to portray to the public. Regardless of what your business is or where it is located, the entire point and benefit of window graphics are to pique the interest of those walking or driving by your business and promote your brand in a unique way. Some of what you can expect from window graphics includes:

Business Savings

Window graphics, from etched glass vinyl to decals of varying sizes to full color view, typically cost less than other methods of advertising, such as a billboards or large signs.

Bendable Budget

Window graphics are cost effective, easily switched, and help keep things fresh for your business. You can use different graphics for sales, seasons, store events and special promotions; or if you just want to add to the scenery of your business, window graphics will do the trick. The attention grabbing opportunities are wide open.

Zero Permit Fees

As many business owners know, there is often a permit that needs to be paid to put up any kind of signage around or outside of a business. Permits will often carry a fee, a fee that isn’t always just a one-time deal. There are also places that require approval in addition to the fee. Window graphics rarely require permission, fees, or permits, even from landlords.

Working Windows

Window graphics can be used for more than just marketing. You can also display information such as directions, websites, and even where to park in a fun and creative way.

Canopy Quiet

This idea point depends on the size, location, and type of window graphic you go with, but you can obtain window graphics that provide some shade for your business, which helps with in-house comfort, cooling costs in the summer months, and a sense of a unique and personal space for your business and customers. Storefronts are the face of a business. People will see it for a few moments and decide if it is appealing; therefore, you have literally seconds to catch their eyes and introduce your business. Remember to keep it simple, creative, and inviting for best results. If you’re ready to put yourself out there and bring in some prospective customers excited about what they see, call Green Light Graphics and Signs at 404-857-5790 to get a quote for your next business window graphics.



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